Universal Wellbeing Evaluation Information

Confidential Universal Wellbeing Evaluations

Do you want to improve your overall wellbeing ?

A Universal Wellbeing Evaluation is a research-based questionnaire, it is the most comprehensive tool available globally to measure the status of the 70 variables currently influencing your wellbeing.

After your evaluation you will be taken through your Confidential Universal Wellbeing Evaluation Report, by an Accredited Facilitator who will help you identify the status of each variable, which are supporting you and which could be challenging or harming your universal wellbeing.

A Universal Wellbeing Evaluation includes:

Universal Wellbeing Information, Evaluation & Evaluation Report

Investment:     $250 (Inquire about our Discounted Group rates)

Duration: Evaluation 30 to 90 minutes Report Back 30 minutes

 Executive Universal Wellbeing Evaluation Package Includes:

Universal Wellbeing Information, Evaluation, Evaluation Report, Enhancement Plan, plus

Two Coaching or Monitoring Sessions

 Universal Wellbeing Evaluations may be provided face to face, online or by telephone.

 Investment:     $600 (Email about our Discounted Group rates)

Duration: Five 40 to 90 sessions

 Venue and Timing:

For your appointment, call (64+) 07 834 0451 or email admin@nzcdi.ac.nz

Or book your appointment online below.

Monitoring, education, risk management, advice and referrals to support you to achieve your wellbeing aspirations also available.




Family Universal Wellbeing Checks

Would you like to thrive rather than just survive?

Would your family like to enjoy better wellbeing? Our Family Universal Wellbeing Checks can evaluate the 70 key factors that could be impacting your family wellbeing. Call or email for an appointment and one of our professional wellbeing facilitators will guide you through a Family Universal Wellbeing Check.


After your first appointment your facilitator will take you through your Family Wellbeing Check Report, this will help you identify what is going well and where your family may be facing wellbeing challenges and changes could help.


A Wellbeing Check includes

1.      Universal Wellbeing Literacy Support

2.      A Family Universal Wellbeing Check

3.      Provision of a Family Universal Wellbeing Report



•     $700 Inc. GST (Family Universal Wellbeing Check for up to 4 people)


Wellbeing Check Options

You can have your Universal Wellbeing Check and report back face to face, online, or by telephone



A Family Universal Wellbeing Check takes 3 to 4 hours

A Family Universal Wellbeing Check Report back takes 120 minutes


Venue and Timing:

For your appointment, call 07 834 0451 or email contactus@freedom-ihe.ac.nz

Or book your appointment online below.


Ongoing Support Options

Develop a Family Universal Wellbeing Enhancement Plan this takes 3 to 4 hours



•     $700 Inc. GST (Universal Wellbeing Enhancement Plan for up to 4 people)


Monitoring, education, risk management, advice and referrals to support your Family to achieve your wellbeing aspirations also available.